Math / Products

Snowman Adapted Math File Folders (3 Levels) SPED / Autism

1This Snowman Adapted Touch Math Math unit is to help provide independent file folder activities with varying levels of difficulty. This is an Adapted Touch Math for students who are unable to do the double tapping of the circles in the traditional Touch Math. This lesson working on counting on with an adapted style Touch Math. Includes: File Folder Labels.

Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 12.08.26 PM.pngLevel 1: Adapted Touch Math Adding single digit numbers to sums of 10 or less.
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Level 2: Adapted Touch Math Adding single digit numbers 1-10.
Level 3: Adapted Touch Math Adding single and double-digit numbers to sums of 30 or less.3Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 8.07.23 AM
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